There is so much coming up for us at the moment, I thought I would write a decree for Lighworkers who are moving through difficult release patterns.This decree is designed to free all karma and past-life issues, particularly pertaining to family and ancestral bloodlines.
I recommend reading it facing the East at sunrise. You are speaking to the Universe with power and Mastery.
Love and blessings, Tim
I, (name), acting under the Law of One invoke the Intergalactic Council and the Board of Karma. I also request the Illumined presences of my guides, Angels and Assistants In Light.
All Beings who have transcended polarity, please now attend.
I now command the full release every agreement, energy or contract that has been made with, or without, my permission throughout all dimensional spaces, worlds, parallel Universes or Astral Planes.
I invoke the Cosmic Godfire to destroy all binding energies that are filtering through SpaceTime to this NOW moment.
I invoke the Cosmic Godfire to release the bindings placed upon me by my karmic bloodline and genetic family, living or dead.
I command all beings that are restricted by lower frequencies to leave my personal space, bodies and fields.
I invoke the Cosmic Godfire to free me of all restrictions that may have been placed upon me by my soul, thus allowing me to manifest my ascension in its highest Light.
(Repeat three times)
As Within So Without
As Above So Below.
It is done.