On the 10th October, in harmony with the planetary acceleration, Archangel Metatron authorised a light dispensation from the Ascension Pool held above the Great Pyramid.
A lot of you are reflecting inwards at present, clearing the last minor and sometimes major facets of your existance that are rooted in Third Dimensional conciousness.
There were many “heads up” about the impending Scorpio retrograde, and the planets are truely doing their job.
My good friend Diana Cooper included this on her Facebook site this morning, and gives the information required regarding the second light dispensation to be released.
“My friend Ramaso, Tim Whild, has recieved this information from Archangel Metatron for Friday 25th October.
The Spiritual Hierachy has decreed that all sentient beings must dissolve their lower blocks in time for the influx of Cosmic Light this Christmas.
Because so many have entrenched resistance to this, a deluge of Light is being sent on the 25th October. This is being released from Luxor and contains a Sphinx Godforce, which is basically Source energy for this planet.
To recieve this, sit quietly and declare..
‘Beloved Archangel Metatron, I (name) Child of the Light, gratefully receive, accept and integrate my Luxor Light Dispensation. Thank you. ”