The Fifth Dimensional Chakras
This is a post that I placed on Facebook at the end of September, but I feel that it is important to send it out again, particularly in these times of accelerated Ascension evolvement. Our entire body systems are changing, very quickly, and merging with our Fifth Dimensional Crystalline Blueprint, this we all know. I […]
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We Are Our Higher Selves
What a fortnight. Yesterday, Mercury finally finished another Retrograde transit, freeing up the energy of intensive recalibration in the human Mental bodies. Conbined with the Coronal Projections of our own Sun, it will have felt and appeared to most Souls living in flow, that their brains had been replaced with treacle. Physical, mental and emotional […]
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Grounding the New Helios Frequencies
And no Heart shall be left untouched…. Words that have been used many times in the poetic texts, and descriptions, of the previous dimension. These words now apply to every soul on Earth, no matter where they are, or what level of consciousness that they appear to occupy. Helios, The Great Central Sun, has provided […]
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Thoth's Instant Sun
One of the most beautiful aspects of our new dawning age, is the spiritual gifts that are being returned to those responsible enough to use them. During the Golden Era of Atlantis, the highest frequency period ever achieved on this planet, there were a multitude of tools available to the Priesthood and aspiring spiritual initiates, […]
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Visualisation for Purification
This is a visualisation with Archangel Gabriel and Metatron to assist with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual purification that is occurring with souls on this planet. This meditation will assist with the acceleration and clearing of this, enabling you to stand calmly within your own light and radiance. Preparation During the day, prepare yourself […]
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Christ-Consciousness Terraforming
The higher, crystalline, Christ-Consciousness grid around,and within, our planet is anchored and activated. We, as beings, are responding to this rise in frequency by merging with our Higher Selves, ascension is taking place. There are many phases that have to be gone through as an individual to achieve this, and souls all over our planet […]
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Co-creating the New Prosperity Template Energy
The period of illuminated acceleration that we are experiencing now, has been planned in the higher realms since the fall of Great Atlantis. Everyone participating in those unforgettable years agreed that the Earth, and those living upon it, needed to experience distance from their own creative abilities. And from Source. This was achieved by the […]
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The Archangel Chakra Jewels
Stellar Gateway Golden Beryl Soul Star Ruby Causal Moonstone Crown liquid gold Third Eye Emerald Throat Sapphire Heart Pink Star Diamond Solar Plexus Yellow Sapphire Naval Fire Opal Sacral Rose Quartz Base Herkimer Diamond Earth Star Hematite Our ascension process is fully underway now, our four energy bodies merging seamlessly with our fifth dimensional merkabah […]
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Ascension Light Quotient Integration
I would like to share a method that will make Light Integration even easier. It’s simple, and most of you will be familiar with the concept and process of it. It quite simply locks the Ascension Light into the Four Body System and assists you to function harmoniously while the upgrades occur. There are some […]
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The Cosmic-Diamond Violet Flame
As Lightworkers, most of us are very aware of the presence of the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame is one of the many potent tools available to us to assist with clearing of density and slower moving ‘heavy’ vibrations that exist simply due to the polarity of Third Dimensional existence. It is a lot more […]
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