Programming your crystals

Something occurred to me last night as I was looking through new information and also work that has already been released. As the Aquarian Age crystals start to flood in, containing their magical properties and connections, very soon we are going to be well on the way to operating within a crystal powered society again. […]

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The first time I attempted to write this was on the first day that Mercury turned retrograde. Naturally, I got to the final paragraph before my phone died and I lost the lot (…cue fifth dimensional toys leaving fifth dimensional pram).   In these more advanced days of Light Influx, DNA activation and plain, simple […]

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The Golden Flame of Atlantis

A few months ago, I shared an invocation called the Water of Light. This was a channeling via Archangel Ariel that I have always used to add Light to food and drink. My good friend Polaris AB commented very shortly after I posted, and asked ‘do you have an invocation for food, this one refers […]

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Invocation to the Luxor Light Dispensation

It’s the 25th of October and the Luxor Light Dispensation is now being released by Archangel Metatron. To make the most of this, here is a reminder of the invocation to fully integrate this high frequency mixture of Fifth Dimensional energy and Sphinx Godforce. “Beloved Archangel Metatron. I (name), Child of the Light, gratefully recieve, […]

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Luxor Light Dispensation 2

On the 10th October, in harmony with the planetary acceleration, Archangel Metatron authorised a light dispensation from the Ascension Pool held above the Great Pyramid. A lot of you are reflecting inwards at present, clearing the last minor and sometimes major facets of your existance that are rooted in Third Dimensional conciousness. There were many […]

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Metatron Luxor Light Dispensation

Due to the very important information provided by Polaris AB this morning, and a conversation with Archangel Metatron earlier, I am very pleased to make an announcement this morning. Under The Law of Grace, a Light Dispensation has been released by Archangel Metatron, from the Ascension Pool above the Great Pyramid. It is called The […]

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Connect with the ArchAngels

This is a simple invocation to connect with the beautiful Archangels that are always here to lovingly assist us. Once used, their energies will be present in your aura, bodies and fields. Use daily to receive lots of love and other gorgeous energies! Invoke Archangel Michael. Ask him for a downpouring of his deep Blue […]

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Pillar of Light

One idea that I came up with a good few years ago was to turn my home into a Light Portal. I always seem to have wound up living on top of a hill, in one way or another, and naturally this is a very good way of radiating light to the surrounding areas. From […]

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Balancing the Three Fold Flame

This is an invocation to your Monadic Presence to assist with the balancing process of the Three Fold Flame. Call forth to Archangel Michael to anchor the Cosmic Blue Sword of Power and Manifestation. Call forth to the Divine Mother to anchor into your left hand, the pink and magenta Rose of Cosmic Love which […]

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The Mahatma Energy

This morning I have got an invocation to share, you will mostly all have heard of the energy concerned, but the delivery is very powerful and specific. It is for The Mahatma Energy, which to this day is still one of the most beautiful and high frequency energies available. It was pooled together by the […]

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