Honouring the Inner Vagabond

Honour your inner vagabond! What does this mean and what is the energy behind it? Today Tim is looking at aspects of information that he has been given and is personally experiencing that pertain to the bigger picture.

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Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild – Facebook Live on 18th January 2022

Today Mia and Tim are looking at the current energies and sharing their intentions/visions behind their Six-Month Ascension Journey which begins in March. Find out more here!

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Working with Thor, Freya and the Golden Heart of the North

Today I am presenting a short chat and visualisation with Lovisa Alvtorn to introduce the energies of Thor, Freya and the Golden Heart of the North. Lovisa and I will be coming together this coming Sunday for our second powerful Zoom workshop and we are looking forward to seeing you there!

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Lightworker Stress and ‘P.T.S.D.’

Today Tim is looking at how many of us are being affected by the long-term buildup of ‘service stress’, initiations and general Earth life. How do we recognise this and begin to heal it when it does occur?

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Grounding with Serapis Bey, Archangel Metatron and the Seven Suns

Serapis Bey and Archangel Metatron join Tim for some Monday grounding and light integration. This is a technique that Tim uses to utilise the light of the Seven Spiritual Suns (Heaven) and the deep grounding of Hollow Earth (Serapis Bey and the Agarthan Sun). The Seven Spiritual Suns – Rigel (Orion). Sirius A (Canis Major). […]

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Dissolving Illusions

January is a month that we are going to see an incredible display of fireworks from the 3D Matrix alongside the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. How do we maintain our precise light and focus amidst the distractions?

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Starting the Year with the Golden Rainbow Fire

This is a visualisation to connect to the Golden Rainbow Fire and the Archangels and Ascended Masters that helped to create it. Perfect for setting your highest timeline and vibration!

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Farewell 2021- The Final Ascension Update of the Year

As we draw to a close of this incredible year Tim is looking at what we have achieved and experienced in a very intense twelve-month period. How far have you come? Where were you at this time/date in 2020? 2022 is the mid-point of the shift from 3D to 5D and we have been energetically […]

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Invocation to Archangel Gabriel’s Diamond of Purity

I hope that you all enjoyed a beautiful Christmas! Here is a little something from Archangel Gabriel to set a powerful diamond energy around you and your home/work/meditation space. Invocation For Archangel Gabriel’s Diamond of Purity. I (name) call to the full presence of my Highest Self. I lovingly request that my Highest Self integrates […]

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Happy Christmas!

We have stepped through the Solstice Gateway now after the most incredible year! Take time now to relax, integrate and really focus on the things that light you up the most! From all of us at Tim Whild – Practical Ascension we hope you have a beautiful holiday.

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