Alchemising the Collective

We are reaching a very interesting peak in the current transitions, and as I write this, the last day of August opens with another huge inflow of Light. So much is expressed, and written, about the feelings of inertia or ‘stuck ness’ amongst those tuned into the planetary energies. Most of us, as an act […]

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August, and Everything After.

We are now in the third week of August 2014, and settling into the new waves of energy that merge with our sphere of reality. The full moon that occurred on the 10th broke new barriers of intensity. Combined with the Lions Gate, the Diamond Merkabah Activation, and the harvesting of the Aquarian Ascension pool, […]

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Lightworkers and Abundance

Completely diverging away from our impending Lunar goodies, and Cardinal Grand Cross to follow, here is a little more from me on the subject of abundance and our new dimension. Last October, after witnessing those around me struggling with their financial inflow, I created a Huna Prayer for abundance. Abundance manifests in physical in many […]

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The Next Phase

O, Children of The Morning Sun, upon this new day, gaze to the East. The fires of Maat, the Wave of Helios is now upon us, and the new world dawns. The Cardinal Cross, the stargate of the Christ Consciousness, opens to allow the anchoring of Higher Love to become the reality for all upon […]

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It’s been a while since I have written a post, and the New Moon is a perfect time to tap back in again. The energies are incredible at present, you only have to communicate with like minded souls to receive a reflection of this.. Wave after wave of high frequency energy is washing over the […]

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Happy New Year

2013 is now behind us on the planetary timeline, and wow, what a year. For those aligned to a spiritual path, and aware of the happenings here on Earth, I don’t feel that the knowledge has actually made the process any easier. Apart from a brief lull at the start, the entire year was dedicated […]

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Amongst the information, emotional upheaval, laughing, crying, intensity, periods of activity/inactivity and global change, lies a glowing, diamond heart. This heart contains the energy that everyone on this planet is evolving towards, massively, unrelentingly, either consciously or unconsciously, and lies at the root of every sentient being living in and on this plane of existance. […]

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I am adding a post with regards to the use of discernment tonight. This isn’t going to be a huge article, but due to the current climate, and the huge inflow of energy and information, I feel it necessary to provide a little discourse on this critical part of our spiritual evolution. Discernment, in basic […]

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Ascension Field Merge

I have had a fair few conversations recently with like minded Souls, discussing the process of Higher Self mergers, or ‘upgrades’. An event that is happening in all of our lives on a massive scale NOW. This is the early Ascension process,and is happening to HUmanity as naturally as waking in the morning and putting […]

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Fifth Dimension Parenting

Every day is a school day, as they say. The last week or so has been a real eye opener for me, in more ways than one. The majority of spiritually minded people that I know are in that ‘waiting’ phase. Waiting and waiting and waiting, (yawn),for things in their life to transform as magically […]

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