The Defining of our Dimensions 

Today marks a day of incredible change on our planet. Sunday 27th March is celebrated as Easter Sunday in some parts of the West, and there has been considerably more occurring than meets the eye.Can you feel a change in the intensity? Since the Cosmic moment in 2012 we have been existing in several different […]

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The Spring Equinox Window

As you read this our energies reside in a very important window of energy. Some of us are experiencing a high level of physical symptoms to accompany the deluge of ascension energies that are coming to Earth.The first to receive and integrate these energies are the Pioneer Groups who are already awake, and have been […]

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The March Portal

It’s the first day of a truly beautiful month in England, or anywhere else for that matter. March 2015 was one of the most significant windows in our previous year, and this one is going to be even bigger. Many people hold their breathe and ‘wait for impact’ when we speak of these shifts, but […]

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Loving Your Emotional Self

As we approach the Full Moon on the 22nd of Feb 2016, we are experiencing an amplification of frequencies that we have never experienced before.Those of you that have read my work on Golden Atlantis will know that I see it as a blueprint for our ascension process. The 1500 years that we spent living […]

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The Great Third Wave

This year has already covered more energetic bases than the previous ones and it’s only February. Time moves swiftly now with no separation between the past, present and future. It is all available simultaneously and simply depends upon which way you are looking. The previous paradigm has now become interesting reading in the Great Hall […]

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Anchoring the Light of Sirius C into Avalon

The stars of Sirius exist in the Canis Major system and have long been the fascination of astronomers, both ancient and modern. The combined light of Sirius A and B as a binary star appears to our naked eyes as a single and bright point of light.On a spiritual level, Sirius is an intricate part […]

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Embracing The Shadow

2015 is rapidly drawing to a close, and what a year it has been.Our twelve months have been punctuated by vastly fluctuating dimensional spaces, all of which we occupy at some point during our transitional phase. These spaces are then filled with whatever we choose to place within them. As the energy moves from fiery […]

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Returning to the Halls of Amenti

Today marks the opening of another powerful fifth dimensional portal here on Earth. These events happen continuously with varying degrees of intensity, but since the Blood Moon shift we are truly entering the higher flows.The Summer months gave us a high stream of action energy that allowed many on the Master pathway to build new […]

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Going With The Flow

Going with the flow. Sounds like a bit of a cliché in the present energies doesn’t it? The actual resonance of the words are now more important than ever.As time collapses yet further we find that our attention is either drawn to two spaces, ‘surviving’ the energy of change or taking positive constructive action. Since […]

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The Amethyst Skull of Atlantis

As the collective frequency has risen so sharply recently, many doorways have been opened. Not just gateways into the Higher Realms, now joining their energies with the collective Matrix, but doorways we once closed ourselves for a very good reason. Atlantis sank at the conclusion of the fifth attempt to maintain integrity of the continent, […]

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