There is a massive amount of focus and intent building for the coming 8/8/8 Portal.
This neatly precedes the Law of One shift in September…and amongst the genuine information is a considerable amount of distraction.
This simply serves us to focus on the resonance of the Heart, which is now taking over from the ego. The ego which has led thinking and action here for 10,000 years.
At the core of all of this is US.
The most effective way to live in the higher dimensional bandwidth available is to choose to do so.
Here is an invocation to call in the highest light focus into your fields…
Take this into your heart centre and distribute it accordingly…
As Within, So Without
As Above, So Below.
” I (name), Walking Master of Light, choose to embody a full four body system integration of the Gold Ray of Christ,The Christed Mahatma and The Aquarian Ascension energy, into my expanded fifth dimensional energy matrix.
Thereby allowing, a full integration of my Walking Master Self in service to Gaia, Humanity, and All That Is. It is so ”
Love and blessings, Tim/Thoth 5/8/15.