
Amongst the information, emotional upheaval, laughing, crying, intensity, periods of activity/inactivity and global change, lies a glowing, diamond heart. This heart contains the energy that everyone on this planet is evolving towards, massively, unrelentingly, either consciously or unconsciously, and lies at the root of every sentient being living in and on this plane of existance. […]

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I am adding a post with regards to the use of discernment tonight. This isn’t going to be a huge article, but due to the current climate, and the huge inflow of energy and information, I feel it necessary to provide a little discourse on this critical part of our spiritual evolution. Discernment, in basic […]

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Ascension Field Merge

I have had a fair few conversations recently with like minded Souls, discussing the process of Higher Self mergers, or ‘upgrades’. An event that is happening in all of our lives on a massive scale NOW. This is the early Ascension process,and is happening to HUmanity as naturally as waking in the morning and putting […]

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Fifth Dimension Parenting

Every day is a school day, as they say. The last week or so has been a real eye opener for me, in more ways than one. The majority of spiritually minded people that I know are in that ‘waiting’ phase. Waiting and waiting and waiting, (yawn),for things in their life to transform as magically […]

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From Pupil to Teacher

Very interesting set of energies running with the Autumn Equinox yesterday. Incredibly potent and very effective in their ability to do exactly what they say on the tin, balance the polarities between light and dark. It was also a perfect opportunity for us to say thankyou to Gaia for all she has provided. In order […]

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Harvest Moon

Beautiful full moon in Pisces yesterday! Judging by the happy, vibrant posts, everyone felt the amazing significance of the energies that poured forth upon us and our planet. Lunar hangover, anyone? Due to the concentrated application and focused intention of a group of Souls yesterday, a new Ascension energy has now become available to use […]

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Lead by example

As we are moving forward so rapidly, and our lives appear to become busier, partly due to the third dimensional aspect of ‘time’ becoming increasingly more linear by the day, I thought I would add a little about keeping the environment around us crystal clear. The energies reaching our planet to assist with our transition […]

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Attuning to Crystal Skulls

A brief interlude of peace this morning. At Knowlton with my crystal skull, Stellar, absorbing some Light Codes and the Metatron Frequency that is available here. My skull was attuned and provided for me by Polaris AB, and is linked directly to one of the Primary Skulls called Max, who existed in The Temples of Atlantis. […]

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Sharing Energy

I was reminded last night of the importance of sharing energy with like-minded souls. On our pathway, and in our current evolutionary climate, it is very easy to imagine oneself isolated as a Lightworker and disappear into a shell, protecting our sensitive energy. Some of us are simply too busy, some of us are experiencing […]

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Focus on Abundance

There is a huge push from our friends in the Higher Realms at present, to share loving, impartial advice and information with those prepared to listen, on subjects of relevance. These pockets of information, translated from light codes into easily translated information,always arrive at a time when people need to hear them most. I wish […]

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