Activation and Upgrade after Lions Gate | Online Workshop with Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild

19:00 - 20:15 BST (GMT +1)

About this event

The Lions Gate is the most powerful and transformative spiritual event of the year.

The 8th of August is part of a three-week alignment with the Galactic Core and a multitude of high-frequency Cosmic portals that have the capacity to alter our reality permanently. The Higher Realms use this time with clinical precision and since the Cosmic Moment in 2012, there have been significant events every year, each growing more powerful with the rising vibration. An energetic portal that brings in so strong codes and upgrades, that a powerful and deep integration can be needed to support our light body to receive all upgrades.

Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild are coming together on the 23 of August, 2 weeks after the Lions Gate opening, with a powerful presentation to assist you with the higher potential on offer. Each individual Lightworker is affected differently by the Lions Gate, and this year the energy is due to switch to a higher frequency in a massive way and the portal will be open in one way, longer than usual.

In this activation, we will:

  • Get yourself into the highest alignment possible to receive the best “after work” the Lions Gate has to offer.
  • ‘Surviving’ high-frequency spiritual events. This workshop will look at changing your receptivity to receiving high volumes of light for a longer period than usual.
  • Connect to the Teams of Light that will be connecting to us directly to carry out important work during the period after the Lion’s Gate.
  • Strengthening our light body even more.
  • Upgrade time! On the night, you will receive an alignment and maximized upgrade with the Galactic Core with the Archangels and the Ascended Masters.

As with all Zoom workshops, this event will be LIVE, and the recording will be sent out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event, so don’t worry if you miss it!

To book you place, please complete the form on Mia’s website here:

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