Alchemising your New Year – Zoom Workshop with Tim Whild

Workshop Recording

About this recording

The New Year is upon us, and this follows the most incredible down pouring of Christ Light from the Winter Solstice.

December is a month that can be very challenging for Light Workers for a number of reasons, with shorter days in the Northern Hemisphere and a vast increase in the vibrations we receive.

2018 was a year of intense upheaval and change and 2019 is a clean slate and a fresh start. The intention of this workshop is to teach easy and effective methods for coming out of the other side of this energy and alchemising a positive New Year for everyone who attends.

Alchemy means the transformation of a physical material, or energy, into something different. As Lightworkers we act as natural alchemists as we alter ourselves and change the frequency of everything around us.

During this two-hour workshop we will be covering these topics –

  • Masters of Alchemy. Meet the Ascended Masters who are renowned for their abilities as Spiritual Alchemists and are regularly assisting us with our ascension work
  • Alchemy in the 3rd Dimension. How did we use the energies that were available to us and what was the purpose of our 10,000 years in 3D
  • Alchemy in the 5th Dimension. How do we use energy now and what effect do we have on our environment around us?
  • Dragon Alchemy. Of all of the beings working with us, Dragons are by far the most powerful masters of energy. Learn how they create the perfect environment for themselves throughout the dimensions and Galaxies
  • Alchemical Rays. Many of the spiritual tools that we invoke on a daily basis use alchemy to raise the frequency of our surroundings. Find out how and why
  • Meditations and activations! Naturally we will be filling ourselves with light and changing our frequency with some powerful visualisations

This is a recording of the original workshop. To purchase this, simply fill out the form below. You will automatically receive your link to watch it.

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Image credit: Martin Dolan Photography