About this recording
Both Tim and David have described 2021 as the year of the Alta Major Chakra. The global clearing of this chakra has woken up countless souls here on earth by allowing them to disconnect from the 3D paradigm that has ruled this planet for thousands of years.
As this lower blueprint is clearing worldwide it is time to look forward to the 5D aspect of the Alta Major.
Much like it’s 3D blueprint, the 5D version of this Chakra will help to connect us together but into a unified consciousness so that we may act for the betterment of the planet.
In this recording you will:
- Release the 3D blueprint held within your Alta Major.
- Help to disconnect the remaining souls from the 3D construct in order to bring about the planet wide awakening.
- Work with Master Merlin and the United Teams of Light to establish a new 5D Unity Consciousness that will help bring us together at the level that we experienced in Golden Atlantis.
If you have one, please bring your favourite crystal.
The price for this recording is £14. To purchase it, please complete the form below: