Metatron’s Light Bath – Zoom Group Healing Session with Tim Whild

Workshop Recording

About this recording

Archangel Metatron’s Light Bath was given to Tim by Metatron himself whilst he was on holiday in France in the August of 2013. August 2013 was the beginning of a huge increase in the volume of ascension energies that have come to our planet, and now in 2022 we are mid-point in the global shift from 3D to 5D.

The Light Bath visualisation was included in the book The Archangel Guide to Ascension – 55 Steps to the Light authored by Diana Cooper and Tim Whild.

Many souls are looking back at what appeared to be simpler years, but all Lightworkers knew that change was coming and that it could come in any form. We are all navigating a world that is presenting the extremes of duality and this can be exhausting.

This workshop recording, co-presented with Tim Whild and Archangel Metatron, will be a simple but powerful dive into a healing pool of Light that will nourish, heal, restore, and raise your vibration to the highest level possible.

Metatron will be holding space within his Light Bath and working upon the physical and energetic bodies that we all share here on Earth. 

During this workshop you will – 

  • Receive an up-to-date ascension report from Tim regarding the current energies.
  • Learn about the Light Bath and how it works. 
  • Find out why do we need so much light and how it affects our reality.
  • Dive into the healing of the Light Bath for a deep light integration and ascension acceleration!

The price for this recording is £11. To purchase it, please complete the form below:

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