Sunday Night Ascension Series

19:15 - 20:15 GMT

About this event

Sunday Night Ascension Club is back for 2025 and launching in mid-January for the first of twelve exciting events that YOU have picked to work with.
Each online workshop will be a power-hour and a deep dive into subjects that affect us all on the ascension pathway. During the hour online each subject will be looked at intensely followed by an activation that can be used frequently and safely by all participants.

A recorded version of each event will be sent to all attendees the following day.
Please note: Some events may change date on the rare occasions that something unavoidable comes up.

The dates and workshops are as follows –

January 19th – Event 1 – 19.15 – 20.15 – Grounding and Light Integration.

Our first event of the season is a deep dive into the most requested activity of grounding and light integration. Both are essential to the ascension pathway and to the peaceful simplicity of existing on Earth as she transitions into a higher frequency.
This workshop will focus on how to integrate the new light codes and the best methods for grounding especially during shift periods!

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February 16th – Event 2 – 19.15 – 20.15 – Community and Living in the Fifth Dimension.

Our lives in 5D are going to feel very different for in a fifth dimensional frequency but first we must arrive there having done the work to change ourselves.
Life in the third dimension was established around separation, survival, conflict, and fear. These foundation energies will not be part of our new world so how will we be living?
During this workshop Tim will be analysing the Atlantean Community Goldprint and working with the Naval chakra which represents Oneness and Unity.

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March 9th – Event 3 – 19.15 – 20.15 – Dragons!

Who or what are the Dragons and why do they want to work with us?
This event is an ode to the beautiful Dragons who have been by our sides since the Fall of Atlantis and have committed themselves to Earth despite being offered their freedom and ascension from our realm many thousands of years ago.
During this session you will meet your personal Dragon and work with powerful Cosmic Dragons who have incredibly important roles in the planetary shift!

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April 13th – Event 4 – 19.15 – 20.15 – Lightworkers and Abundance.

Abundance, wealth, peace, and harmony are our birthrights, but many Lightworkers struggle to achieve this. Why?
This workshop will look at our relationship with manifesting what is right for us and identify the core beliefs that can sabotage the prosperous self-belief system that we are trying to achieve.

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May 11th – Event 5 – 19.25 – 20.25 – Core Fear Removal.

The ascension process is helped or hindered by two key components, love and fear.
Core Fear Removal is a designated program run by prominent Ascended Masters who have chosen to assist Lightworkers to rise above the trappings of the Matrix.
This will be a powerful event that will dive deeply into the realms of the shadows that have held us back for millennia. We will be joined by angels and masters who are stepping forwards specifically for the releasing process.

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June 8th – Event 6 – 19.15 – 20.15 – Illness and the Spiritual Pathway.

Why do we get ill when we are doing the work? Tim will be using his extensive experience in the field of Light work to uncover the reasons behind the human body ‘going rogue’ on us when we least need or expect it to!
We will also look at the other triggers around us in everyday life and how we can work with our bodies to evolve our own natural healing processes.
This will be an in-depth session that will contain a lot of useful information and a powerful healing activation.

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July 13th – Event 7 – 19.15 – 20.15 – Navigating Negativity and Spiritual Persecution.

Why are we rejected by ‘normies’ once we begin the process of awakening on the spiritual pathway?
This session will look at what happens to our bodies, personality, and energy fields once we begin our shift and the effect that this can have on the relationships that we hold dear.
Persecution is something that souls have endured throughout the third dimension and the shadow is now coming up for its final release.
This powerful session will be very important for those struggling with family, friends, partners, and other beings in their lives.

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August 17th – Event 8 – 19.15 – 20.15 – Rediscovering Golden Atlantis.

Golden Atlantis may sound like a mythical dream, but it has everything to do with our current ascension pathway.
During this powerful session we will travel back to a lesser-known temple of the Golden Era to experience a reactivation of the Divine Balance within us.
The Atlanteans were masters of balance and managed to achieve a fifth-dimensional frequency for one thousand, five hundred years, while the rest of Earth was in the third dimension. They achieved this by honouring both their Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine inner union.
Bring your crystals along for this powerful ride!

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September 14th – Event 9 – 19.15 – 20.15 – The Spiritual Laws in 5D.

The Laws of Earth and Spirituality have evolved during our transition through the third dimension and living at a higher frequency is simple in the terms of the Universe.
This workshop will dive deeply into the Spiritual Laws as we are going to experience them in our uniquely physical space. New ones have been written to accommodate the way that we have evolved as a spiritual school, and they will affect everything that we experience as we dip our toes into the pools of higher energies.

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October 12th – Event 10 – 19.15 – 20.15 – Unicorns!

Unicorns are some of the most unique beings that we will work with on the ascension pathway, and they have an incredible role given to them by the Universe.
Some see Unicorns as beautiful white horses with horns of light, and others perceive them as diamond points of the brightest energy imaginable.
This workshop is an ode and a thank-you to the Unicorns for their tireless work. You will be connecting to them fully during a powerful visualisation so be prepared for some fast-track spiritual growth following this Zoom transmission.

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November 16th – Event 11- 19.15 – 20.15 – The Animal Kingdom.

The animals of Earth all have incredibly important roles, but they have also been greatly mistreated during the third dimension. This event will look at why they have chosen to be on Earth at this time and how their souls really work in relation to their own ascension process.
This event will contain a powerful healing activation to assist every animal living on Earth at this time and for those choosing to come to Earth soon.

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December 14th – Event 12 – 19.15 – 20.15 – Crystals and Crystal Transmissions.

Crystals and crystal transmissions were a way of powerfully communication between the Atlanteans and this method was also used to heal over great distances such as planet to planet.
The final event of the Sunday Night Ascension club will require all participants to bring a crystal!
During this workshop you will learn about crystals and crystal transmissions before a vast wave of crystalline energy is sent out via every participant to assist with whatever is needed on the Earth currently.
Whatever we are called to do on the night will be perfect and will be powerful service work for Mother Earth.

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