About this recording
Sunday Night Ascension Club is back for 2025 and launching in mid-January for the first of twelve exciting events that YOU have picked to work with.
Each online workshop will be a power-hour and a deep dive into subjects that affect us all on the ascension pathway. During the hour online each subject will be looked at intensely followed by an activation that can be used frequently and safely by all participants.
A recorded version of each event will be sent to all attendees the following day.
Book all workshops in this series at a discounted price.
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Our lives in 5D are going to feel very different for in a fifth dimensional frequency but first we must arrive there having done the work to change ourselves.
Life in the third dimension was established around separation, survival, conflict, and fear. These foundation energies will not be part of our new world so how will we be living?
During this workshop Tim will be analysing the Atlantean Community Goldprint and working with the Naval chakra which represents Oneness and Unity.