About this recording
The Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is regarded as the Return of the Light and sees the largest inflow of Christ-Consciousness vibrations for the entire year. This energy takes up to three weeks to integrate and always precedes a New Year and a complete shift in global consciousness.
This year has been incredibly intense and many Lightworkers have been through circumstances that they would never have predicted when their pathways began. Our planet has entered the phase that has been predicted/planned since the beginning of Lemuria and Atlantis, and things are beginning to come to a peak.
2020 will start with a very powerful conjunction between Saturn and Pluto (Capricorn at 22 degrees) which is designed to implement the global changes we are working for. As Lightworkers many of us are on the frontline and working extremely hard to change and transmute the lower frequencies that have held Earth captive for over 10,000 years. Without sugaring the pill, we are being presented with some intense opposition that does not want to relinquish control. The Higher Forces are always one step ahead of the game and are saying that it is now time to ‘arm’ ourselves in readiness for the shift in energies.
Birkan Tore and Tim Whild have worked closely together in Atlantis and regularly bring their Soul connection together to provide tools, keys, codes and techniques for those on the ascension pathway.
They have been given access to a powerful set of Codes stored in the Halls of Amenti that were created by The Solar Logos, and a team of powerful ascended Masters for this moment in time. These Codes have been downloaded and will be given to everyone attending and will be powerful protection/fortification for those needed that extra help. They will assist you to protect and empower yourselves, your homes and your lives.
Please note that this is a unique and brand new form of psychic self-defence that we have never presented in our classes before. Everyone attending will be the first to access and work with these Keys!
During this two and a half-hour intensive workshop you will –
- Find out why Lightworkers are finding the energies so tricky to navigate
- Why do we need extra ‘protection’…what is going on in the spiritual field?
- How to stay balanced, grounded and focused at all times…rising above the density
- The Keys of the Solar Logos. Who is the Solar Logos and why were the Keys created?
- You will be guided with a meditation to connect to the highest aspect of the Halls of Amenti to receive the Keys. This will be a powerful activation led by Birkan and Tim.
- Visual and downloadable Keys will be provided to all participants with simple instructions on how to use them for yourself, your home and your loved ones
- What does 2020 hold? Birkan and Tim will give you their take on the coming year and what it will possibly bring
This will be an intensive workshop using high frequency energies and activations! Please bring your favourite crystal (which will be activated for you during the workshop).
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Artwork by New Moon Agency