Happy Friday beautiful souls! It is the final day of Winter in the North and the energies are ramping up in a way that we have not experienced before.
Tim is looking at a converstation that he had with his group last Sunday in Ebnisee regarding the Fall of Atlantis.
Tune in now to see how this event is still affecting us today!

2nd March – https://jackie-white.co.uk/product/understanding-the-importance-of-setting-boundaries/

3rd March – https://www.timwhild.com/events/3-3-the-cosmic-christ-portal-with-sunna-baldur-and-archangel-mary/

9th March – https://www.timwhild.com/events/3-3-the-cosmic-christ-portal-with-sunna-baldur-and-archangel-mary/

15th and 16th – https://www.timwhild.com/events/ascension-in-the-new-forest-spring-workshop-with-tim-whild/

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