August is here beautiful souls!
With this amazing month comes the most intensive portal of light that we have ever experienced as humans in a physical body. The Lion’s Gate is upon us once again and a very meticulous plan of action is being orchestrated by the Light Collective to ensure that is has the desired effect.
The term ‘Light Collective’ describes every soul assisting with our ascension process from the Highest Galactic Councils right down to the Earth Dragons working with the new Ley Systems here on Earth.
July was very ‘WTF?’ as many of us began to load up on the incoming energies. We received unified instructions that it is time to ‘buckle in’ because the downloads will come thick and fast. A lot of physical bodies have responded to this sudden increase with illness or a heightened need to withdraw and rest. The reflections of polarity are at an all-time high as the 3D Matrix knows that it is crunch time and it is now pulling out all its party tricks much sooner than originally planned.
We are now witnessing and participating in these planetary changes in real time. The speculation and the anticipation is over and we can see, feel, interact, and most importantly steer the reality that we are co-creating together.
Most, if not all of you, reading these words are living your Master lifetime. Countless (arduous) incarnations will have been spent training and conditioning you to manifest your full skill set when you are called to do so. You might not feel like this Master yet and you may only just become aware of your role in this process, but you are exactly where you need to be at this moment in time. Once you have committed to your path everything else will be presented to you as you need to navigate it. Trust.
On the 27th of July we were given a biblical sounding message from Archangel Gabriel. He clearly spoke these words and the message was verified by other in-tune souls working with the Archangels.
“We are bringing down the Hammer of Light. The rules of 3D engagement have been broken and we shall now intervene. We will be bringing balance back to the Earth once more”.
These words were unmistakeable in their intention and to break the message down a bit we can look at it like this: The Hammer of Light equals the quantity of higher souls and cosmic vibrations coming to the Earth via the Lions Gate portal. Archangel Gabriel has been given the go ahead to do this (intervene) due to the Spiritual Laws being broken by those controlling the 3D Matrix.
After enquiring further as to what these broken laws were, AA Gabriel said that the Innocents (children) were prompting this action.
Without looking too closely at the ‘darker’ side of the Earth process we are now mostly aware of the polarity (details) of both sides. Regardless of ‘light’ or ‘dark’ all souls must adhere to the Spiritual Laws that govern our reality. They have been working via illusion and sleight of hand for millennia but recently they have completely stepped over their line and fallen into what looks to be a well-planned mousetrap.
This game of realities, polarity and ultimately sovereignty will be witnessed by us as the next few Earth years present what we are dealing with.
Now…onwards and upwards! Although some of these words may appear heavy your ascension process and reality will be the product of your focus. If we focus on fear and anger, then it will manifest. If we focus on love, strength, courage, sovereignty, and unity then this is the manifestation that will be delivered by the Universe. The ascension process is in our hands and although we have arrived in this position very swiftly, we know exactly what to do. Guidance, assistance, love, and unity are everywhere we look now providing we have allowed our eyes to adjust to see it!
On the 8th of August David Essery and I will be presenting our Lions Gate workshop to welcome in the light. David has created some stunning artwork to accompany the event and we are really looking forward to seeing you there on the night! This event is now full, but the recording is available to purchase via my website here.
I will also be running a ‘cool-down’ healing with David on the 18th to assist with anything that may have come up during this period as well as activate the 15 Chakra system! You can find out more or book a place here.
Keep your light high, your frequency clear and your manifestation sharp!
Sending you so much love,
Tim Whild.