Tim is joined by his good friend Karen Mayne for another beautiful conversation on the blanket discussing the ascension process and how we are navigating it. The energies are so completely different this year and we have experinced two ‘timeline jumps’ in the space of one week.

As this year blossoms each one of us is feeling the inner calling to refine our lives and focus on what truly matters…our inner peace and joy!

16th February – https://www.timwhild.com/events/sunday-night-ascension-community-and-living-in-the-fifth-dimension/

22nd and 23rd February – https://www.timwhild.com/events/the-stuttgart-spring-ascension-weekend-with-tim-whild/

3rd March – https://www.timwhild.com/events/3-3-the-cosmic-christ-portal-with-sunna-baldur-and-archangel-mary/

9th March – https://www.timwhild.com/events/sunday-night-ascension-dragons/

15th and 16th March – https://www.timwhild.com/events/ascension-in-the-new-forest-spring-workshop-with-tim-whild/

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