
Sunday Night Ascension – Community and Living in the Fifth Dimension

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During this workshop Tim will be analysing the Atlantean Community Goldprint and working with the Naval chakra which represents Oneness and Unity.

Sunday Night Ascension – Grounding and Light Integration

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This workshop will focus on how to integrate the new light codes and the best methods for grounding especially during shift periods!

Igniting Your New Year Coding – with Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild

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Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild have had the ‘go-ahead’ to ignite the primary coding for Lightworkers around the world to carry the torch for others looking for guidance within the turbulence that is seen and felt within the shift of dimensions.

Healing in the Heart of the World Tree with Tim Whild & Lovisa Alvtörn

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During this deeply healing power-hour with Tim and Lovisa, you will be gently held, loved and nourished within the very Heart of the World Tree itself.

Embracing Your Shadow – Zoom Online with Tim Whild

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We have now entered the deepest space for personal and collective healing this year and the planets are ‘setting the table’ for a last supper.

Mastering the Dark Night (and Other Initiations) – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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The Lightworkers of Earth are moving through continuous tests to ensure that they are of the frequency required of them to thrive in the new Golden Era.
This powerful information-based webinar will be dedicated to all souls who are moving through the toughest challenges. If this is calling to you then join Tim and dive in!

Advanced Ascension Journey

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A high-level ascension mini course that includes teachings, Q&A, and Soul Tribe connections with Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild.

Programming and Activating Crystals – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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This Zoom Workshop is dedicated to all those who love crystals and would like to know more about how (and why) to use them.
There will be something for everyone in this event and the information will be presented simply and concisely. You will be given useful information to take into the practical working field to embody daily!

Working with the Magic of the World Tree 2024 – with Lovisa Alvtörn & Tim Whild. Part 2 – The Spring Equinox

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In the early spring of 2023, Lovisa and Tim ran a powerful 3-part series exploring the Magic of the World Tree, where the beloved Norse Masters of Light with Odin and Freya in the lead were our main guides. Now, we have been called to continue our work with the World Tree Yggdrasil at a whole new level – as the symbol of Unity and the connection point for Oneness through space, time, and dimensions!

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 10: The Golden Children of the Future

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Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 9: The Divine Principles

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Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 8: Integrating Light

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Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 7: Speaking Your Truth With Love

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Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 6: The Halls of Amun-Ti

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Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 5: The Temple of Healing

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Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 4: Dissolving the Astral Body and Your Connection to 3D

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Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 3: The Ascension Chakra System

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Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 2: Balancing 3D with 5D

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Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 1: The 3/3 Portal

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Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and July 2024.

Working with the Magic of the World Tree 2024 – with Lovisa Alvtörn & Tim Whild. Part 1: Day Out of Time

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On the powerful leap-day of February 29, we step “out of time” to gather around the World Tree Yggdrasil. The Clarion Call has been sent out through all times and dimensions, and all the tribes and peoples of the Earth throughout history are joining us in Unity – working with the Light of Oneness!

Light Integration Workshop | YouTube Live with Tim Whild

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This powerful workshop will be dedicated to using effective techniques that have been created by the souls of the Higher Realms to assist us. Many of these methods have been used previously during the incarnations of Masters and Galactics as they themselves navigated their own ascension process.

Nordic Winter Ascension Workshop with Tim Whild and Lovisa Alvtörn

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Welcome to a unique winter ascension workshop in Helsinki, Finland, with Tim Whild and Lovisa Alvtörn! Join them for a transformational weekend of love, healing and support for your ascension pathway with lots of magic and Nordic Light …

Upgrading the Ascension Nervous System | Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

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Join David Essery and Tim Whild to receive a powerful Karmic Dispensation from the teams of light, and a powerful upgrade to our nervous systems for a huge leap forward in both our ascension, and our physical wellbeing.

Tim Whild is coming to Emsworth for 11/11!

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On the 11th of November 2023 Tim will be presenting a powerful one-day workshop focusing on the reactivation of the Golden Era of Atlantis. This will be a live in-person event harnessing the powerful group energies that come from co-creation.

The Lion’s Core – Lions Gate 2023 | Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

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David Essery and Tim Whild have received information of the next wave of heart awakenings which are set to occur on the date of 8/8/23. The effects of this will be felt in every living soul on Earth and will catapult us into the next phase of the ascension process surrounded by many new Lights.

The Temples of the Sun and Moon – Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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Join Tim and the Atlanteans for a journey to the Temples of the Sun and Moon. Here you will anchor, align, and balance new ascension Goldprints that are being made available to those walking the Path of Light. These powerful new templates will assist all souls on Earth once they are activated and established!

The Violet Flame of the One True Heart | Opening the Lions Gate 2023 with Lovisa Alvtörn & Tim Whild

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The extraordinary light hitting Earth at the Solstice triggered a new heart awakening for all of humanity. The focus of this light was on the Higher Heart – our connection point into Unity. At the opening of the Lions Gate in August a new surge of light will intensify this mass awakening further!

Stepping Fully Into Your Spiritual Service! | Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

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Join Tim and Alice as we journey to the the Temple of Poseidon and far beyond; receive spiritual clarity & wisdom; energetic freedom & pure love; and move through this time feeling more connected with your Soul Purpose than ever before!

The Great Leap – June Solstice 23 | Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

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Every year the summer and winter solstices are powerful transformative events, and this year will be no exception. The incoming energy will drastically alter the trajectory of this planet and propel us forward like never before.

Keeping Your Beautiful Vibration | YouTube Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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This ‘power-hour’ workshop is dedicated to looking at the difference between ‘light quotient’ and ‘vibration’ and discovering the easiest ways to stay elevated above the trappings of the 3D Matrix.

The Atlantean Keys of Liberty | YouTube Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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Do you wish to embrace the second half of this amazing year with the mindset and vibration of a Walking Master? Join Tim and members of the Atlantean Council to set the wheels in motion.

Ascension Secrets of the 7 Sacred Suns! | Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

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Join Tim and Alice as we journey to the Great Central Sun via Helios with Archangel Metatron and the Shekinah, meet the Giant Ones (also know as the Founders..!) and activate our 7 Solar Body template!

Reclaiming Your Master Wisdom | Online Workshop with David Essery & Tim Whild

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Join Tim Whild and David Essery as they guide you through a journey of self discovery that will open up vital doorways for your highest ascension pathway!

Calming the Ascension Nervous System | YouTube Live Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

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This workshop is dedicated to our human process and to the healing/calming of the nervous system so that we can embrace our mission with open arms. Both David and Tim have extensive experience with the new energies and how they are affecting our bodies.

Practical Ascension with Tim Whild

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Tim was awoken to his life purpose at the end of 2008 by his good friend Diana Cooper who has also played a crucial role in the Earth’s Ascension process. Diana and Tim have written and released The Archangel Guide to Ascension – 55 Steps to the Light, released by Hay House Publishing. Their second […]

Andromedan Wisdom and the big Collective Release! Zoom Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

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The 4/4 portal holds such high frequency Angelic and Galactic key codes for our personal ascension process and that of the collective. It often indicates a big rebirth in our own soul evolution, offers us stability in the new foundations we’re building upon and invites us to walk a wiser more Christed embodied state.

Reflections on Self Love | Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

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In this workshop we will work to clear and let go of any negative emotions blocking you from self love. This can allow astounding shifts to occur in our lives. 

The Golden Robe of Lord Kuthumi – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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2023 is due to see a huge quantity of Lightworkers joining the ascension pathway and many of them will need this supportive energy around them. 

Exploring the Magic of the World Tree | 3-part Zoom Online Course with Lovisa Alvtörn & Tim Whild

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In this 3-part course, Tim and Lovisa will take you on a powerful journey of exploration where you will deepen your connection with the World Tree and its many sacred teachings. Each part of the course looks at the deep symbolism of the tree from different angles and perspectives, expanding and deepening your understanding with every step of the way.

The Great Ascension Crystal of Orion! Zoom Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

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Join Tim and Alice as we receive this blessed cosmic gift and crucial tool, as we begin to lay the higher foundational diamond-crystal grid for the next 10 years!

The December Solstice Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

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The December Solstice this year marks ten years since Earth moved through a gateway known as the Cosmic Moment. During the Cosmic Moment our reality shifted from 3D to 4D, and we entered a fast-moving period of change that is gaining momentum with each passing day.

Cosmic Moment – 10 Year Anniversary Celebration Zoom Online Workshop with Paul Dobree-Carey and Tim Whild

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Join Tim and Paul to celebrate this important milestone on your journey towards connecting with your Sovereign power.

Tim Whild’s New Year Ascension

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With the assistance of the Higher Realms, we are being guided to live our lives in a much higher frequency and the period of chaos that we are experiencing is temporary.

Ascending from the Earth Matrix and Reclaiming our Full Light Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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Do you believe that you are here to change the world, or do you feel that you struggle to survive and have difficulty adapting to the pace?

Unlocking Your Golden Inner Wisdom – Zoom online workshop with Tim Whild & Lovisa Alvtörn

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In this workshop Tim and Lovisa will lovingly guide you into looking at wisdom with new eyes … into fully accepting and trusting your own Golden Master Wisdom within. This will assist to reawaken your connections outwards through your Crown chakra to the wisdom of the Stars.

The Light of Asgard

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In this free recorded event we will go on a soul journey to connect with the blessings of Asgard. In particular Goddess Freya, Allfather Odin, and Yggdrasil (the World Tree) will step forward to share their wisdom, guidance, and love with you. You will be the first to learn about the Asgard Collection of scarves that Tim, Lovisa, and Doni have co-created to share the important Norse Master energies needed for our next step in our personal and global ascension journey.

Dissolving The Illusion, Manifesting Your Reality | Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

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As we focus on exiting polarity the 3D agenda is still a part of our existence. It is up to us to decide what is our truth and therefore our reality. This is one of the biggest tests on our path to mastering Sovereignty. When we do this, we can begin to choose what we want our world to look like, and begin to manifest the circumstances we desire to live our best life.

Embodying Your Monad – Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

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In this workshop, Alice Heath and Tim Whild will be pooling their knowledge, resources and Light together to bring you a workshop that will assist you in Discovering and Embodying your Monad, and maintaining a crystalline structure to house it in. 

Restoring the Divine Goldprint of the Twelve Chakras – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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As the energy devolved towards the Fall many efforts were made to hinder and shut down the spiritual powers of the souls dedicated to the light. Some of these ‘wounds’ have been carried over into the new era and this workshop is dedicated to restoring the original Divine Goldprint that was carried by the High Priests and Priestesses of Golden Atlantis.

Closing the Lions Gate – Zoom Online Workshop with Lovisa Alvtorn and Tim Whild

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Healing integrations from the Temple of Sound and the Temple of Healing will be used during this event as well as field harmonisation techniques from the Pleiadians. You will also use the Twelve-Pointed Star of Atlantis which is an incredibly powerful healing geometry. Finish this powerful period on a high with your light shining brighter than ever before!

The Lions Gate 2022 Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

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Every year the Lions Gate creates a wave of vast spiritual change that is implemented by the Councils of Light to assist with our transition from 3D to 5D.

Activating Your Highest Atlantean Timeline – Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

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The period between the Solstice and the Lions Gate is incredibly important as it is pure preparation time. Tonight’s workshop will be harnessing the window of opportunity provided by the 7/7 portal and stepping into the Temple of the One True Light from the era of Golden Atlantis.

Core Fear Removal for Lightworkers and for Earth – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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During this event Tim will be joined by the presence of the mighty Archangel Michael who is stepping forward to hand the power back to those who are still caught in up the Matrix. 

Metatron’s Light Bath – Zoom Group Healing Session with Tim Whild

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This workshop, co-presented with Tim Whild and Archangel Metatron, will be a simple but powerful dive into a healing pool of Light that will nourish, heal, restore, and raise your vibration to the highest level possible.

Walking Mastery and Lightworker Courage with Lovisa Alvtörn & Tim Whild

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In this workshop we honour your bravery for being on Earth right now! It is normal to feel fear from time to time as it is part of the human experience. What we are meant to do is ”feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Establishing the Fifth Dimensional Unity Consciousness Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild and David Essery

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This Zoom workshop is dedicated to releasing the old 3D patterns from the collective Alta Major Chakra and to establish a new fifth dimensional unity consciousness that will help unify the planet and bring us closer to the new Golden Age.

Anchoring Pillars of Light for Peace and Unity – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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This powerful online event will be dedicated to anchoring pillars of light in specific locations around the world. These pillars will be Seraphim led, alongside Master Merlin, will allow the light to penetrate the dark areas and bring illumination, alchemy and higher magic to places and situations that need them the most.

22.2.2022 The Day of the Master Builder – Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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This date is the 22nd February 2022.  22.02.2022 is a triple 22, so the Master energy is incredibly magnified by 3.  It is a high frequency portal of higher potential that Lightworkers from around the world are asked to utilise to manifest their visions for their own ascension and that of the planet into our golden future.

Lightworker Anxiety, Stress and PTSD – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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During this workshop Tim will take an in-depth look at what is creating the intense ‘trauma’ that a lot of us are experiencing during the big shift from 3D to 5D. He will also explain the various stages of spiritual wake-up and how to assist the thousands (if not millions!) of souls who are now waking up due to the vibration of Gaia’s ascension. 

The Golden Christ Light of 2022 – Zoom Online Workshop with Lovisa Alvtörn and Tim Whild

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Many of us will still be feeling the effects of these energy surges and transitions as we step into this workshop hosted by Lovisa and Tim. Both teachers work directly with the Golden Ray and have prepared energetically for what is now happening around the world. The new light that is around all of us now is here to stay. It is known in the higher realms as the ‘Foundation Energy’ for all that is being built over the next decade as we move towards 2032, the year that marks the beginning of the New Golden Age.

Spiritual Protection and Foreign Energy Removal Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild and David Essery

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This workshop is dedicated to learning about how to spiritually protect yourself in the current age. It will provide practical advice on both protection as well as how to regain your energy when needed.

Setting our Highest Timeline at the Solstice – Zoom Online with David Essery and Tim Whild

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This workshop will be dedicated to setting a highly sacred space for us all so that we may integrate the flow of Cosmic Christ Light flowing from the Heart of Source. With this light we are building a framework for our new, golden reality…one where we may exist in peace and harmony with ourselves and Mother Earth. 

The Path of Forgiveness – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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As Lightworkers it is our job to set the tone and the pace of the ascension process. As we forgive, we release the bindings that anchor us to the old world, and this will allow us to walk freely into the new one.

Your Soul Family – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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Be ready to meet your Soul Family and receive the support that you deserve for your ascension!

Balancing Earth’s Scales on the 10/10 Portal – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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There is something very special about numerological dates. During this event we will be utilising the 10/10 portal along with the astrological sign of Libra to ‘inject’ some balance, equilibrium, and unity into the 5D Matrix.

Portals to the Cosmic Heart – Zoom Online Workshop with Lovisa Alvtorn and Tim Whild

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The Power of your own open Heart should never be underestimated. It is a mighty portal which connects to the very Heart of Source. Through our heart chakras we are also connected to the heart chakra of the planet in Glastonbury, UK, which is in turn a gateway to the Cosmic Heart of Venus. 

The Seraphim and Lady Gaia – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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The Seraphim are 12th Dimensional Angels that surround the Godhead, and it is testament to our rise in frequency that we can now connect and work with these incredible souls. We will be connecting to Seraphim Seraphina, Seraphim Seraphisa and Seraphim Seraphiel. 

Mid-August Healing and 15 Chakra Activation with Tim Whild and David Essery – Zoom Online Workshop

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This workshop will be held ‘post Lions-gate’ and is an opportunity to reflect, heal and integrate the phenomenal quantities of Light that have come through the Sirius/Galactic Portal.

The Lions Gate Zoom Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild to Anchor and Celebrate the 8-8 Portal

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Each August a significant change is implemented by the higher teams of Light during the 8/8 Portal. What will it be this year? How will it affect the world that we live in and experience daily?

Anubis and the Legions of Light – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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As well as keeping the sacred texts, information and knowledge safe Anubis also commands a Legion of Sacred Sentinels. These powerful spiritual protectors are allocated to souls on the ascension pathway who have important jobs and are often confronted (sometimes directly) by lower energies and entities.

Activating your Ascension Blueprint with the Council of Atlantis Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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At the end of the Atlantean era each of the Council members stored their ascension blueprint so that they could be retrieved later. That time has now arrived, and each Master of Atlantis has offered to share a piece of their knowledge to help YOU on your ascension pathway

Destroyer Training at the Cosmic Heart with Commander Ashtar – Zoom Online Workshop led by Tim Whild

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To aid our ascension pathways, Commander Ashtar has offered to take on several groups of souls to train at night in his learning planes at the Cosmic Heart (Ascended Venus). Even the most basic learning will equip lightworkers to easily navigate the turbulence of the shift and give us the energy-management skills that we need to get our job done with minimal distractions.

The Beloved Archangels Speak – Part 4 Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild and David Essery

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In this special two hour long session we will be working with Archangel Uriel, the Angel of Ministration and Archangel Metatron, the Angel of Cosmic Ascension.

Become an Ambassador for The Council of Earth – Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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The 12 Masters of Earth/Pilchay wish to make themselves known to you. Many you will know already. They have instructions for you so that you can do your part. They want you to know that you have an important role to play in the ascension of Earth and ask for your support. 

Using Your Heart for Guidance and Protection – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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During this workshop Tim will be guiding you on the most effective way to use the most powerful tool that you possess…your fifth-dimensional Heart.

The Beloved Archangels Speak – Part 3 Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild and David Essery

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In this special two hour long session we will be connecting with Archangel Gabriel, the Angel of Resurrection and Archangel Michael, the Angel of Protection.

Expand Your Mission with the Councils of Light – Part 2 – Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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Meet the great Masters of Saturn, Lyra, Venus, Andromeda and Arcturus to receive downloads from these Wise Ones about your future and that of the new Golden Age on Earth.

Expand Your Mission with the Councils of Light – Part 1 – Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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This special high frequency Zoom will enable you to visit training schools where you will meet and receive instruction from some of the greatest Illumined Ones ever to incarnate.

The Beloved Archangels Speak – Part 2 – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild and David Essery

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In this special hour and a half long session we will be working with Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Consecration and Desecration and Archangel Jophiel, the Angel of Illumination.

The Beloved Archangels Speak – Part 1 Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild and David Essery

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In this special hour and a half long session we will be working with Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of Adoration and Archangel Zadkiel, the Angel of invocation.

Working with Crystals and Crystal Skulls – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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During this workshop Tim will thoroughly examine and explain the relationship that we have with crystals, why they are here and why we are so drawn to them.

The Blue Rose Workshop – Pleiadean Healing Session with Tim Whild

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This workshop will focus on connecting to the amazing Pleiadean High Council and receiving a (well needed) healing and balancing session for everyone attending!

The Children of the New Golden Era – Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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This powerful and informative workshop with Diana and Tim will cover some essential points on how to honour the needs of these children, what they are requiring from us as parents and what their future roles will entail! 

Stepping from the Akash into the Halls of Amenti – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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This workshop is dedicated to stepping into the incredible Halls of Amenti to embody who we truly are. The Ascended Masters of the future!

Step into a Magical 2021 with Power and Positivity with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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During this Zoom Diana and Tim will prepare you for the incredible new energy of opportunity that can enhance your life and sweep the planet towards the new golden age.

Solstice Light Upgrades Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild and David Essery

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Join myself and David Essery of New Moon Art on this important date as we welcome a huge influx of light from 7 suns and assist our planet in taking a huge leap forward on a personal and a planetary level

Preparing for the Great 2020 Shift – Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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The hour that we spend together will be designed to raise your light higher than you have ever experienced before. When the 21st December arrives, our planet is being transferred to a much higher frequency light source at the flick of a switch. Instead of just receiving our light from Helios, the seven galactic Suns will illuminate us all at once. This workshop will prepare you to embody this with ease and grace.

11-11 Manifestation Portal Event – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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Wednesday 11th November is a master number date and 11-11 signifies higher manifestation. The idea of this workshop is to apply our intention as a powerful group to manifest what we wish to see in our new reality for ourselves and for others.

The Renewal Cross Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild and David Essery

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We are at a pivotal time in the spiritual evolution of our planet and it is important to prepare for the coming changes by releasing that which no longer serves our divine purpose. This workshop, we will do deep personal cleanse with help from the Archangels to restore us to our highest potential.

Opening Peace Portals Worldwide – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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This online workshop will be dedicated to opening, anchoring and activating ‘peace portals’ globally to allow easy movement for the Higher Realms.

Connecting with your Soul Family – Activating the 5D Sacral – Zoom Workshop with Tim Whild

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This workshop is dedicated to working with the 5th dimensional Sacral Chakra and will focus on balancing, explaining and refining the process for anyone who is currently experiencing this or is looking for explanations for past experiences.

Dissolving the Global Veils of Amnesia – Zoom Workshop with Tim Whild

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This Zoom workshop will be dedicated to working with the Unicorns, Merlin and the Intergalactic Council to gently remove any obstructions to Higher Sight that are remaining in the unified field.

Mid-August Healing Session – Zoom Workshop with Tim Whild

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This hour-long Zoom session will be dedicated solely to balancing us together as a group and regenerating us for the next phase which will be implementing rapidly as we head towards the Autumn months.

Light up with the Power of the Ascension Flames – Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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Diana, Tim and a host of Ascended Masters, Archangels and many other illumined souls will take you through a visualisation to connect to the great Ascension Flames that exist as the primary essence of the energies that we invoke on a daily basis.

The Secret Power of I AM Affirmations Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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In this workshop we offer three incredibly transformational I AM affirmations and explain line by line what they mean, to reveal their creative potency.  During a wonderful meditation journey you will meet and merge with three mighty Illumined Ones at a monadic level as well as your own fully ascended self. 

6 Quick Ways to Keep Your Frequency Aligned with Ascension Zoom Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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Tim and I have been guided to offer a series of three Zooms that provide very quick but intense and powerful techniques for keeping your frequency aligned with ascension. In the first one we share six ascension energies and take you through beautiful visualisations to attune to each one.

Solstice Ascension Circle Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild, Jackie White, Sally Sherin and Paul Dobree-Carey

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This Solstice is the perfect time to integrate with our Higher Selves. Tim, Jackie, Sally and Paul are looking forward to leading some powerful visualisations to bring the Christ Consciousness codes coming through the Sun into YOU, where the blueprint for humanity’s Golden Age already resides.

Manifesting Your Perfect Life in Changing Times with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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This online workshop will assist you to create the perfect outcome in all aspects of your life, despite the current challenges that you may be facing. These challenges can be mental, emotional, physical, spiritual or a combination of the four! Everything that has been hidden previously has been brought to the surface in a very short space of time to be released and the Masters, Angels, Dragons, Unicorns and many others have been helping us to achieve this.

How to Make Prosperity Flow After Lockdown – Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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You were programmed to be abundant.  The only things that stop you from being prosperous are the beliefs you have assimilated from your ancestors and the collective unconscious. Lightworkers are now being called to clear their blocks to prosperity in order to provide for themselves and their families.

These were all recorded live from Zoom sessions hosted by Tim. You can purchase a recording of these to watch at any time, the energy will be the same.

Once you have purchased a recording, you will be able to access it any time via our My Recordings section.

My Recordings

Have you purchased recordings before? Or attended any of Tim’s live events? If so, you can watch them back any time in the My Recordings section.

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Upcoming Live Events

3/3 – The Cosmic Christ Portal with Sunna, Baldur, and Archangel Mary

The portal days of our spiritual calendar have transformed from a minor fascination to incredibly powerful events that align with the intention of Lightworkers around the world.

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Sunday Night Ascension – Dragons!

During this session you will meet your personal Dragon and work with powerful Cosmic Dragons who have incredibly important roles in the planetary shift!

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Sunday Night Ascension – Lightworkers and Abundance

This workshop will look at our relationship with manifesting what is right for us and identify the core beliefs that can sabotage the prosperous self-belief system that we are trying to achieve.

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