Tim is back in the woods for a Saturday walk ‘n’ talk and today we are diving into the energies of authenticity and the Lion’s Gate.
Tim also covers his own experience of ‘Going Dark’ during a powerful healing process leading up to this auspicious time of year.

4th August – Live/In-person, Emsworth, Hampshire – https://www.timwhild.com/events/the-lions-gate-workshop-tim-whild-in-emsworth/

8th August – Lion’s Gate! – https://www.timwhild.com/events/lions-gate-2024-the-inner-sun-expansion/

18th August – https://www.timwhild.com/events/sunday-night-ascension-club-with-tim-whild-event-7-speaking-your-truth-with-love/

22nd August – https://www.timwhild.com/events/the-golden-solar-violet-flame-closing-the-lions-gate-with-tim-whild-lovisa-alvtorn/

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