The Lunar Ascension PoolIn Atlantean times, during the Golden Era that spanned 1500 years at a Fifth Dimensional frequency, the Priesthood, The Alta and high level initiates used to regularly add their energies together to create a pool that could then regularly be used whenever it was needed.
A perfect example of this is the beautiful Mahatma energy that we all know and love.
This was made available to Lightworkers to use again in recent times, once the collective frequency of ‘Awoken Ones’ was high enough.
The Full Moon, which is the first Supermoon of 3 (Aug 29th 07.35British Time) is a powerful opportunity to utilise the magnificent Lunar energies, and add them once again to the Pool of Aquarian Ascension Energy that has already been in effect for 2 years now.
As with the previous events, I will start this off on Aug 29th by channeling the Lunar frequencies into the Pool held by Archangel Metatron for 30 minutes.
This can then be accessed by anyone at anytime should they wish to use this energy to enhance their own progression, raise the frequency of situations or areas, or to enhance spiritual projects. It is perfect for healing all sentient beings too.
Please feel free to add to this yourselves, at anytime of the day or night on the 29th…
Your energies, placed in the Pool by your Mastery and Intention will then be refined and energised further by Archangel Metatron at a Ninth Dimensional frequency.
To participate, the most efficient way to focus this energy is by use of a quartz crystal. If you don’t have one, don’t worry, your intention will be more than adequate.
For those that have already been part of this, you already know that this Ascension energy is a new creation in harmony with HUmanities new role.
For those adding for the first time, thank you and welcome. You are making Fifth Dimensional history, and flexing your muscles as Master Creators, manifesting your new world for the higher good of all.
You will probably be aware of, and joined by a number of the Higher Forces when doing this.
As Within So Without
As Above So Below
Love and Blessings Tim