The Lyran Stargate and the Great Crystal.
Our beautiful Earth has changed again, and so have we.
The buildup of recent energies have triggered the disintegration of the ancient shadows that orchestrated the fall of Atlantis. Power that was misused has been returned, at long last, to the Great Crystal to be redistributed to those who have waited patiently for this moment. The Teams of Light are now free to operate in their full capacity….can you feel the fresh energy?
The past six months have not been an easy period for many, particularly those already aligned to their Higher Selves. We have all been given the chance to face our shadows and drop the illusions surrounding us.
This was the period that the Elders of many spiritual societies had predicted for a long time.
Hard work and effort is rewarded in many unique forms. And so many people have realised the power of their creative potential who they really ARE.
This Winter Solstice was a landmark date, not only in Earths, but Galactic History also.
The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies were ignited into the Ley Gridwork surrounding planet Earth, via the Heart Chakra of Avalon, readying the higher structures for the anchoring of permanent Christ Consciousness. We are now preparing for the Summer Solstice with trepidation and excitement on a cellular level.
Christ Consciousness is our divine Soul Essence.
It exists in every cell, molecule and blueprint of our bodies, physical and energetic. And every soul on this planet is Christ Consciousness itself.
There has been much talk, and prophetic writing about the Second Coming, the arrival of the Messiah, and the real truth of this is that the Messiah is US. Each and every beautiful being, sentient or otherwise, gracing the surface of this world.
The Universal Angel, Archangel Christial has fully opened the portal of the Lyran Stargate to allow a vast inflow of light to Earth. This is going to connect with us over the next few days creating a big jump in planetary frequency. Most of us can tangibly feel this building already.
Our job is to be ready, and to be open to receive. To be our true, authentic selves. Nothing else will do now.
As Within, So Without
As Above, So Below
Much love, Tim